Commit c4a7691e authored by Raimbek Egemberdiev's avatar Raimbek Egemberdiev

advanced search one

parent 9aac5358
......@@ -45,6 +45,12 @@ public class AsFormService {
return, new TypeReference<List<AdvancedSearchResult>>() {});
public List<AdvancedSearchResult> advancedSearch(String formId, String key, String value) throws IOException {
return advancedSearch(
String.format("where uuid='%s' and %s='%s'", formId, key, value), key
public <T extends AsForm> T fetch(Class<T> formClass, String dataUUID) throws IOException {
String data = restHttpQuery.doQuery(Query.newInstance().url("/rest/api/asforms/data/" + dataUUID));
return asfFormConverter.toAsForm(formClass,, AsFormWrapper.class));
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