Commit ca814402 authored by Raimbek Egemberdiev's avatar Raimbek Egemberdiev

moved to new module

group 'kz.arta.synergy.asforms'
version '1.0'
apply plugin: 'java'
sourceCompatibility = 1.7
repositories {
dependencies {
compile group: 'cglib', name: 'cglib', version: '3.2.4'
testCompile group: 'org.testng', name: 'testng', version: ''
package kz.arta.synergy.asforms;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
* @author raimbek
* @since 02.11.2016
public class AdvancedSearchParams {
private String query;
private List<String> parameters = new ArrayList<String>();
private boolean searchInRegistry = true;
private int startRecord = 0;
private int recordsCount = 100;
private List<List<String>> dynParams = new ArrayList<List<String>>();
public AdvancedSearchParams() {
public static AdvancedSearchParams build(String query, String... parameters) {
AdvancedSearchParams advancedSearchParams = new AdvancedSearchParams();
return advancedSearchParams;
public String getQuery() {
return query;
public void setQuery(String query) {
this.query = query;
public List<String> getParameters() {
return parameters;
public void setParameters(List<String> parameters) {
this.parameters = parameters;
public boolean isSearchInRegistry() {
return searchInRegistry;
public void setSearchInRegistry(boolean searchInRegistry) {
this.searchInRegistry = searchInRegistry;
public int getStartRecord() {
return startRecord;
public void setStartRecord(int startRecord) {
this.startRecord = startRecord;
public int getRecordsCount() {
return recordsCount;
public void setRecordsCount(int recordsCount) {
this.recordsCount = recordsCount;
public List<List<String>> getDynParams() {
return dynParams;
public void setDynParams(List<List<String>> dynParams) {
this.dynParams = dynParams;
package kz.arta.synergy.asforms;
* @author raimbek
* @since 02.11.2016
public class AdvancedSearchResult<T> {
private String dataUUID;
private String documentID;
private String registryRecordStatus;
public AdvancedSearchResult() {
public String getDataUUID() {
return dataUUID;
public void setDataUUID(String dataUUID) {
this.dataUUID = dataUUID;
public String getDocumentID() {
return documentID;
public void setDocumentID(String documentID) {
this.documentID = documentID;
public String getRegistryRecordStatus() {
return registryRecordStatus;
public void setRegistryRecordStatus(String registryRecordStatus) {
this.registryRecordStatus = registryRecordStatus;
package kz.arta.synergy.asforms;
import kz.arta.synergy.asforms.annotations.*;
import kz.arta.synergy.asforms.exceptions.CreateAsFormException;
import kz.arta.synergy.asforms.exceptions.SynergyApiCallException;
import kz.arta.synergy.asforms.exceptions.UnsupportedFieldTypeException;
import kz.arta.synergy.asforms.pojo.AsForm;
import kz.arta.synergy.asforms.pojo.AsFormData;
import kz.arta.synergy.asforms.pojo.ComponentTypes;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* @author raimbek
* @since 09.11.2016
public class AsFormProvider {
private SynergyApiProvider synergyApiProvider;
public AsFormProvider() {
public AsFormProvider(SynergyApiProvider synergyApiProvider) {
this.synergyApiProvider = synergyApiProvider;
public <T extends AsForm>
advancedSearch(Class<T> formClass, AdvancedSearchParams advancedSearchParams)
return new ArrayList<AdvancedSearchResult<T>>();
public <T extends AsForm>
fetchData(Class<T> formClass, String dataUUID) throws CreateAsFormException, SynergyApiCallException, UnsupportedFieldTypeException
AsForm asfData = synergyApiProvider.getAsfData(dataUUID);
return createAsForm(formClass, asfData);
public <T extends AsForm>
createAsForm(Class<T> asFormClass, AsForm asfData) throws CreateAsFormException, UnsupportedFieldTypeException {
try {
T asFormObject = asFormClass.newInstance();
Field[] allFields = asFormClass.getDeclaredFields();
for (Field field : allFields) {
Annotation[] declaredAnnotations = field.getDeclaredAnnotations();
for (Annotation annotation : declaredAnnotations) {
if (annotation instanceof TextInput) {
String cmpId = ((TextInput) annotation).value();
setFieldValue(asfData, asFormObject, field, cmpId, ComponentTypes.TEXT_INPUT);
if (annotation instanceof NumericInput) {
String cmpId = ((NumericInput) annotation).value();
setFieldValue(asfData, asFormObject, field, cmpId, ComponentTypes.NUMERIC_INPUT);
if (annotation instanceof Entity) {
String cmpId = ((Entity) annotation).value();
setFieldValue(asfData, asFormObject, field, cmpId, ComponentTypes.ENTITY);
if (annotation instanceof ListBox) {
String cmpId = ((ListBox) annotation).value();
setFieldValue(asfData, asFormObject, field, cmpId, ComponentTypes.LISTBOX);
if (annotation instanceof Table) {
String cmpId = ((Table) annotation).value();
if (field.getType().isAssignableFrom(AsFormData.class)) {
setFieldValue(asfData, asFormObject, field, cmpId, ComponentTypes.TABLE);
} else if (field.getType().isAssignableFrom(List.class)) {
getList(asfData, field.getGenericType(), cmpId, ComponentTypes.TABLE);
} else {
throw new UnsupportedFieldTypeException();
return asFormObject;
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
throw new CreateAsFormException("Form class should has accessible without params constructor");
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new CreateAsFormException("Form class should be accessible");
private void getList(AsForm asfData, Type genericType, String cmpId, String table) {
private <T extends AsForm>
setFieldValue(AsForm asfData, T asFormObject, Field field, String cmpId, String cmpType) throws IllegalAccessException, UnsupportedFieldTypeException {
if (field.getType().isAssignableFrom(String.class)) {
// string
String value = getValueForClassField(field, asfData, cmpId);
field.set(asFormObject, value);
} if (field.getType().isAssignableFrom(Integer.class)) {
// int
String value = getValueForClassField(field, asfData, cmpId);
field.set(asFormObject, Integer.parseInt(value));
} if (field.getType().isAssignableFrom(Double.class)) {
// double
String value = getValueForClassField(field, asfData, cmpId);
field.set(asFormObject, Double.parseDouble(value));
} else if (field.getType().isAssignableFrom(AsFormData.class)) {
// common type
AsFormData data = asfData.getData(cmpId);
if (data != null) {
AsFormData fieldAsFormData = new AsFormData();
field.set(asFormObject, fieldAsFormData);
} else {
throw new UnsupportedFieldTypeException("This type unsupported");
private String getValueForClassField(Field field, AsForm asfData, String cmpId) {
boolean fetchKey = false;
Annotation[] declaredAnnotations = field.getDeclaredAnnotations();
for (Annotation annotation : declaredAnnotations) {
if (annotation instanceof KeyValue) {
fetchKey = true;
if (fetchKey) {
return asfData.getKey(cmpId);
return asfData.getValue(cmpId);
package kz.arta.synergy.asforms;
import kz.arta.synergy.asforms.exceptions.SynergyApiCallException;
import kz.arta.synergy.asforms.pojo.AsForm;
* @author raimbek
* @since 09.11.2016
public class SynergyApiProvider {
public AsForm getAsfData(String dataUUID) throws SynergyApiCallException {
return new AsForm();
package kz.arta.synergy.asforms.annotations;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
* @author raimbek
* @since 09.11.2016
@Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD})
public @interface Entity {
String value();
package kz.arta.synergy.asforms.annotations;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
* @author raimbek
* @since 09.11.2016
@Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD})
public @interface KeyValue {
package kz.arta.synergy.asforms.annotations;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
* @author raimbek
* @since 09.11.2016
@Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD})
public @interface ListBox {
String value();
package kz.arta.synergy.asforms.annotations;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
* @author raimbek
* @since 09.11.2016
@Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD})
public @interface NumericInput {
String value();
package kz.arta.synergy.asforms.annotations;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
* @author raimbek
* @since 09.11.2016
@Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.TYPE})
public @interface Table {
String value();
package kz.arta.synergy.asforms.annotations;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
* @author raimbek
* @since 09.11.2016
@Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD})
public @interface TextInput {
String value();
package kz.arta.synergy.asforms.exceptions;
* @author raimbek
* @since 09.11.2016
public class CreateAsFormException extends Exception {
public CreateAsFormException(String message) {
package kz.arta.synergy.asforms.exceptions;
* @author raimbek
* @since 09.11.2016
public class SynergyApiCallException extends Exception {
public SynergyApiCallException() {
public SynergyApiCallException(String message) {
package kz.arta.synergy.asforms.exceptions;
* @author raimbek
* @since 09.11.2016
public class UnsupportedFieldTypeException extends Exception {
public UnsupportedFieldTypeException() {
public UnsupportedFieldTypeException(String message) {
package kz.arta.synergy.asforms.pojo;
import java.util.List;
* @author raimbek
* @since 09.11.2016
public class AsForm {
private String nodeUUID;
private String uuid;
private String form;
private String modified;
private List<AsFormData> data;
public AsForm() {
public AsFormData getData(String cmpId) {
if (getData() == null || getData().isEmpty()) {
return null;
for (AsFormData asFormData : getData()) {
if (asFormData.getId() != null && asFormData.getId().equalsIgnoreCase(cmpId)) {
return asFormData;
return null;
public String getValue(String cmpId) {
AsFormData data = getData(cmpId);
if (data != null) {
return data.getValue();
return null;
public String getKey(String cmpId) {
AsFormData data = getData(cmpId);
if (data != null) {
return data.getKey();
return null;
public String getNodeUUID() {
return nodeUUID;
public void setNodeUUID(String nodeUUID) {
this.nodeUUID = nodeUUID;
public String getUuid() {
return uuid;
public void setUuid(String uuid) {
this.uuid = uuid;
public String getForm() {
return form;
public void setForm(String form) {
this.form = form;
public String getModified() {
return modified;
public void setModified(String modified) {
this.modified = modified;
public List<AsFormData> getData() {
return data;
public void setData(List<AsFormData> data) { = data;
package kz.arta.synergy.asforms.pojo;
import java.util.List;
* @author raimbek
* @since 09.11.2016
public class AsFormData {
private String id;
private String type;
private String label;
private String value;
private String key;
private String valueID;
private String username;
private String userID;
private List<String> values;
private List<String> keys;
private List<AsFormData> data;
public String getId() {
return id;
public void setId(String id) { = id;
public String getType() {
return type;
public void setType(String type) {
this.type = type;
public String getLabel() {
return label;
public void setLabel(String label) {
this.label = label;
public String getValue() {
return value;
public void setValue(String value) {
this.value = value;
public String getKey() {
return key;
public void setKey(String key) {
this.key = key;
public String getValueID() {
return valueID;
public void setValueID(String valueID) {
this.valueID = valueID;
public String getUsername() {
return username;
public void setUsername(String username) {
this.username = username;
public String getUserID() {
return userID;
public void setUserID(String userID) {
this.userID = userID;
public List<String> getValues() {
return values;
public void setValues(List<String> values) {
this.values = values;
public List<String> getKeys() {
return keys;
public void setKeys(List<String> keys) {
this.keys = keys;
public List<AsFormData> getData() {
return data;
public void setData(List<AsFormData> data) { = data;
package kz.arta.synergy.asforms.pojo;
* @author raimbek
* @since 09.11.2016
public class ComponentTypes {
public static final String TEXT_INPUT = "textinput";
public static final String NUMERIC_INPUT = "numericinput";
public static final String LISTBOX = "listbox";
public static final String ENTITY = "entity";
public static final String TABLE = "appendable_table";
package kz.arta.synergy.asforms;
import kz.arta.synergy.asforms.exceptions.CreateAsFormException;
import kz.arta.synergy.asforms.exceptions.SynergyApiCallException;
import kz.arta.synergy.pojo.TestForm;
* @author raimbek
* @since 09.11.2016
public class AsFormProviderTest {
public static void main(String[] args) throws SynergyApiCallException, CreateAsFormException {
SynergyApiProvider synergyApiProvider = new SynergyApiProvider();
AsFormProvider asFormProvider = new AsFormProvider(synergyApiProvider);
TestForm testForm = asFormProvider.fetchData(TestForm.class, "123456");
package kz.arta.synergy.asforms;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
* @author raimbek
* @since 09.11.2016
public class AsFormTest {
private SynergyApiProvider synergyApiProvider;
public void createAsForm() {
package kz.arta.synergy.pojo;
import kz.arta.synergy.asforms.annotations.KeyValue;
import kz.arta.synergy.asforms.annotations.NumericInput;
import kz.arta.synergy.asforms.annotations.Table;
import kz.arta.synergy.asforms.annotations.TextInput;
import kz.arta.synergy.asforms.pojo.AsForm;
import kz.arta.synergy.asforms.pojo.AsFormData;
import java.util.List;
* @author raimbek
* @since 09.11.2016
public class TestForm extends AsForm {
private String textInput;
private String textInputKeyValue;
private List<List<AsFormData>> tableData;
public String getTextInput() {
return textInput;
public void setTextInput(String textInput) {
this.textInput = textInput;
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